
Stressed about your resume? Here are 4 things to know before hiring a resume writing service

Peter Yang, Contributor

Whether you’re merely updating your resume or creating an entirely new one, resume writing can be a very stressful task. That’s why many job seekers resort to hiring a resume writing service.

As a founder of multiple resume writing services who has been in the recruitment industry for more than 20 years, a question I get asked all the time is, What are the downsides of using a professional resume writer?

Here are four little-known facts to know before using a resume writing service:

1. The writers aren’t always as qualified as you think

Many services offer unbelievably low rates — but only because they need to in order to sustain a profitable business model. This is usually a red flag. More often than not, a low rate means you’re getting an inexperienced writer who is willing to be compensated for much less. (Believe it or not, some services even hire a fresh-faced grad straight out of college.)

Services typically charge anywhere from $100 to $400, depending on how advanced your resume needs to be. Another trap to avoid is the ”$25 resume and a 24-hour turnaround time.” Remember, the writer’s job is to create a compelling document that’s more than just a history of your career, and if they’re not spending more than a few days on your resume, expect to get something very crappy.

To avoid getting an inexperienced writer, do your research on the service. It also helps to call them to ask for samples and confirm that your assigned writer has had some sort of formal training on resume writing, especially in your industry.

2. The process is not as easy as you may think

A common misconception about resume writing services is that they do all the work for you. But the reality is that they can’t even start working on your resume until you’ve filled out an extensive form detailing all the necessary information about your work history, skills and professional achievements.

Also expect to do a lot of back-and-forth collaboration with your writer via phone and email. And remember, you’ll have to offer them feedback once they send you their first draft. It may take a few rounds before you agree on a final version.1:06Top SpaceX HR exec: Here’s what it takes to score a job at Elon Musk’s company

3. You might be misled if you don’t read the fine print

Many services provide some sort of guarantee, whether it’s doubling your interviews, offering unlimited revisions or giving you a refund if you’re unhappy with the turnout. While these promises may sound reassuring, it’s important to read the fine print, as these guarantees are often not as amazing as they sound.

For example, an “interview guarantee” usually means you’ll get a chance to have your resume rewritten, not that you’ll somehow get an interview no matter what. However, if the company did a poor job writing your resume the first time, chances are the quality won’t improve the second time around. Similarly, a promise of “unlimited revisions” is often void after a predetermined deadline has passed.

4. You probably don’t need one

Hiring a professional resume writing service isn’t always the best choice for everyone. It really depends on how much experience you have and what you’re looking for. If you’re unsure, consider the questions below:

  • Are you qualified for the position you want next? A resume writer isn’t a magician — he or she can’t make you stand out if you don’t have the skills to begin with.
  • Are you looking for a raise or promotion? Hiring a professional writer is a good idea if you’re looking for more money, responsibilities and a higher title. Since there’s a lot of competition out there, you’ll want your resume to stand out and use all the help you can get.
  • Do you make more than $40,000 a year? It’s important to consider where you’re putting your money and whether it’s a smart financial decision. If you’ve just graduated and are applying to a very entry-level job, you won’t have a lot of experience to deck out your resume — and that’s okay.
  • Are you good at writing? Resume writing is, in its purest form, a lot of writing. You don’t have to be an incredibly talented writer, but if you have low confidence in your skills, especially when it comes to elaborating on your skills, it’s best to have someone else do the work for you.

6 things I loved about the most impressive resume I’ve ever seen—based on 20 years of hiring

Gary Burnison, Contributor

I’ve received thousands of resumes throughout my entire career — and believe me, I’ve seen them all: Too long, too short, too boring, too many typos, too hard to read and every layout imaginable.

To be completely honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of resumes. Heck, I even wrote a book about all the things that are more important than the resume. Yes, you do need one, but what most experts don’t tell you is that resumes only account for 10% of the hiring decision.

That said, it would take a lot to wow a tough critic like myself. A few years ago, however, I was surprised to find a resume that actually managed to impress me.

In fact, it was one of the best resumes I had ever seen in my 20 years of hiring and interviewing. It had no gimmicks, no Fortune 500 company listed and wasn’t folded into an origami airplane. Needless to say, I hired the candidate.

Here’s what made it stand out from the rest:

1. It was easy to read

This resume had plenty of white space and was two pages long, which is expected if you have more than 10 years of experience.

Everything was nicely organized: Line spacing was just right, company names in bold, titles italicized and job details arranged in bullet points. Oh, and not a single typo to be found.

I liked that the font was nothing fancy. Too many candidates waste time obsessing over which font to use. I won’t weigh in on Times New Roman versus Calibri, but I will say that it should always be simple and easy to read.0:59These are the best fonts to use on your resume, according to designers

2. It told a story

This resume told a story about the candidate’s career journey. There were no information gaps (i.e., a missing summer). From top to bottom, there was a clear “before and after.” In just a few seconds, I was able to see a “staircase pattern” of the candidate’s career growth.

In other words, the chronological list of work history — in order of date, with the most recent position at the top — showed a clear progression of more senior roles and more advanced responsibilities.

3. It listed accomplishments, rather than just responsibilities

I’m not interested in reading what you copied and pasted from the original job description listing. What employers really want to know is whether you’re an above average candidate who’s capable of delivering quantifiable results — and this person did a great job of proving that they were.

It’s always better to highlight your responsibilities by detailing your most impressive accomplishments:


  • Instead of “expanded operations to international markets,” say “expanded operations to eight new countries in Latin America.”
  • Instead of “led marketing and sales team,” say “supervised marketing and sales team and achieved 15% annual growth vs. 0.5% budget.

4. It told the truth

There weren’t any discrepancies that raised red flags. Everything was believable and the numbers weren’t exaggerated.

Even better, the resume had links to the person’s LinkedIn page and professional website, which included a portfolio of their work. This made it easier for me to fact-check the resume, which in turn made the candidate seem like an honest person.

My advice? Tell the truth — period. A colleague once told me about someone who listed “convicted felon” on her resume. The candidate submitted her resume, then called the hiring manager and asked, “Would you hire an ex-convict?” After a series of questions and some due diligence, they offered her the job. And based on what I’ve heard, she ended up being an excellent hire.

While big accomplishments and recognizable company names will give you an advantage, make no mistake: Employers will do a reference check — and if they find out that you lied about something, it’s game over.

5. It didn’t have any cliché claims

There were no generic and high-level claims such as “creative,” “hard-working,” “results-driven,” “excellent communicator” or, my least favorite, “team player.”

Including any of these cliché terms will make your hiring manager roll their eyes in less than a second. Skip the cheesy adjectives and overused terms and go for action verbs instead.


  • Instead of “excellent communicator,” say “presented at face-to-face client meetings and spoke at college recruiting events.”
  • Instead of “highly creative,” say “designed and implemented new global application monitoring platform.”

6. It came through a recommendation

Not everyone will have a connection at their dream company, but knowing someone who can refer you is the most effective way to get an employer’s attention.

The fact that this resume came through a recommendation from a respected colleague played a significant role in getting me to open the PDF file. That, in addition to the few seconds I spent skimming it, was the one-two punch that made me want to know more about the candidate.

Blasting your resume everywhere won’t get you anywhere. I get sent dozens of resumes on the daily from people I don’t know, and the vast majority of them go unopened.

That might seem harsh, but here’s the truth: You should always go out of your way to get a warm introduction. If you don’t have a connection, do some research and find a friend of a friend who knows someone who has an “in.”

Then, ask your potential referral out for a coffee date. Once you’ve established a genuine relationship, tell them about the job opening you’re interested in and ask if they can recommend you. If you can make this happen, I guarantee your resume will get read.

Gary Burnison is the CEO of Korn Ferry, a global consulting firm that helps companies select and hire the best talent. His latest book, a New York Times best-seller, “Lose the Resume, Land the Job,” shares the kind of straight talk that no one will tell you. Follow him on LinkedIn here.